There are a few bright spots. We have a full season of The Shield coming up, that's something, but it's not enough. Where's my sci-fi?
I'm not the kind of guy who will hang a ripped out ad from a magazine on my bulletin board, but damn if this ad doesn't make me wish I was.
In what has to be one of the best printed ad campaigns FOX (yeah, I'm getting shudders) is bringing us Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles. Starting in January. The series stars Lena Headey who you might remember as Queen Gorgo in 300 and Summer Glau who is fast becoming the top sci-fi babe having already starred in Firefly, Serenity and The 4400. Thomas Dekker who played Zach, Claires boy pal on Heroes first season also stars, but let's face it, it's all about the chicks and the butt kicking and the shower scenes (I hope).
I'm thinking this show's gonna be a wet dream for injury fetishists since one of the fun things about Terminators

1 comment:
Hot damn, she/that looks awesome!
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