Sunday, December 23, 2007
Happy Holidays Yo!
I'll be back home the 25th and hopefully get out to see Sweeney Todd. and I'll let you all know what I think.
See you all soon
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
There Is A Place In Time.....

I thought I was done posting today, but I just found out USA networks The 4400 will not be

I Found Them!
if the video doesn't load click the play button or click the window to go to youtube
I was going to write something about Jamie Lynn Spears being pregnant, but let's face it the Ho Ho's and Cheetos don't fall far from the white trash tree.
The big news is of course the new extended trailer for Lost season 4!
Lost is coming back on January 31st and if you're a savant and figured it out, that is a Thursday. Lost now moves into the coveted Grey's Anatomy slot. There's no word on what the lead in may be, but I don't see Private Practice as a good fit. My guess is it will be something new.
I have a love/hate relationship with Lost. I'm committed to the show, and want to see how it all turns out, but no other show can frustrate me like this one does. Maybe it's their intention that nothing ever gets delivered with a bright red bow around it in a neat little package. Maybe it's a big experiment for them. If Seinfeld could be the comedy show about nothing, we can be the thriller that goes nowhere. Either way, they've got me hooked and even the disappointments are really just bittersweet.
If this trailer, and the reflected city in the water is any indication, Lost is coming back with a vengeance. I for one know where I'll be 1/31 between 9 and 10 pm so don't call cause I'm not picking up.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Cool Geeks I Know #1
This really has nothing to do with anything

to post a picture of my good friend Noah Scalin creator of the awesome Skull A Day blog and his evil twin Kevin Christiana AKA the straight guy on Project Runway.
In all seriousness, Noah is the creative force behind not only the Skull A Day blog, (check it out, I'll wait) but also ALR Design his socially conscious graphic design firm.
I only like him cause he worked at Troma and is in a party scene in Tromeo and Juliet.
So why is Kevin the evil twin? Easy, he's a bit younger than Noah, (evil twins are never older) and he's part of a competition where he gets to touch models. If Noah were part of a competition where he got to touch models, he'd at least invite me along to hold the camera.......nuff said.
That's why Noah is this months Cool Geeks I Know.
Friday, December 14, 2007
Have A Merry Ludachristmas
With the message being every family is as screwed up as your own, punctuated by the Lohans names on the alcohol alert board at the end. This episode still pulled characters out of their natural roles and injected guest stars that just don't share the chemistry of the regular cast, and believe me, I am no Andy Richter or Buck Henry hater.
I did think this episode relied too much on sight gags, the coughing stripper, the poor kids gift of wood, the who farted set and Liz's football game (feminism!). The show, as always shines brightest in the dialog. My favorite line last night.
Liz's dad: It's not a Lemon party without old Dick.
For those of you who don't spend your days looking up deviations on the internet....not that I do, one description of lemon party is geriatric gay porn.
Roll that one around on your tongue and let me know how it tastes later.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
I Love It When A Plan Comes Together

This kinda blew the wind from my sails as I was just about to write about bringing the A-Team back. We’ve seen a lot of 70’s and 80’s re-imaginings from the stellar (no pun intended) Battlestar Galactica to the somewhat lackluster Bionic Woman (which needs another reboot). We’ve seen films based on The Dukes of Hazzard, Miami Vice and Charlies Angels, and Knight Rider is coming back to TV and Hasselhoff is still Michael Knight. Fortunately that series will focus on his son and an all new Kitt, but my hopes are not high. While all these series, or films face inherent problems from the original source material, The A-Team has a certain timelessness that will translate well to any time. Certain things will have to change. Mental illness is no longer funny so Howling Mad Murdock needs an upgrade, and in all fairness there needs to be a woman on the team. I had only thought of revamping for TV and hadn’t even thought of bringing it to the theaters so here I go.
First off, if you’re unfamiliar with the A-Team the premise was four soldiers break out of maximum security prison where they were held for a crime they didn’t commit. They go underground and hire out as mercenaries.
Here is my TV pick for The A-Team
John “
Bosco “B.A.” Baracus/Erik King: How do you step into Mr.Ts shoes? You can’t. The man is an icon. Erik King may not be able to match the image, (please no mohawk) but you can’t get much more “Bad Attitude” than this guy can portray. If you haven’t caught his portrayal of Sergeant Doakes on the Showtime series Dexter then shame on you. Too bad he couldn’t say “I pity the fool”.
“Howlin’ Mad” Murdock/Seth Green: Dwight Schultz dominated every scene he was in as Mad Dog Murdock, and his break outs from the mental hospital were a mainstay of the show. Since making light of mental illness probably wouldn’t fly today. My Howlin Mad (that’s his Gamertag) Murdock was recruited as an award winning game designer to program flight and driving simulators for the military. He can operate any vehicle, though he’s incredibly reckless, treating everything as if it was a game.
Templeton “Face” Peck/Katee Sackhoff: Dirk Benedicts Face was the conman of the group which worked well when there were women to play, but he got beaten up…a lot. Katee Sackhoff has already played one Dirk Benedict character bringing Starbuck to life as a woman, and she seems to be the go to girl for revival shows. Her Face would probably be a bit tougher than the original, and what evil dictator could refuse her? If only I was an evil dictator so I could try.
Since we couldn’t have The A-Team without Mr.T, I would cast him in a recurring role as the teams
Monday, December 10, 2007
I'll be be Beethoven

There are a few bright spots. We have a full season of The Shield coming up, that's something, but it's not enough. Where's my sci-fi?
I'm not the kind of guy who will hang a ripped out ad from a magazine on my bulletin board, but damn if this ad doesn't make me wish I was.
In what has to be one of the best printed ad campaigns FOX (yeah, I'm getting shudders) is bringing us Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles. Starting in January. The series stars Lena Headey who you might remember as Queen Gorgo in 300 and Summer Glau who is fast becoming the top sci-fi babe having already starred in Firefly, Serenity and The 4400. Thomas Dekker who played Zach, Claires boy pal on Heroes first season also stars, but let's face it, it's all about the chicks and the butt kicking and the shower scenes (I hope).
I'm thinking this show's gonna be a wet dream for injury fetishists since one of the fun things about Terminators

Too much to say
Some of the stuff on my mind, the writers strike, how they botched the Bionic Woman, Knocked Up wasn't all that, Jennifer Love Hewitts butt, I am Beowulf in 3d, best printed ad campaign, will Rock Band make me a better (beater) drummer? The list goes on and on.
Hope you enjoy
Friday, December 7, 2007
It Must Be Friday.......
None of that beat Liz (Tina Fey Geek Goddess) walking in on Jack and his girlfriend in his office.
Jack: Lemon, you're here early.
Liz: Since I gave up caffeine I've been going to bed at 5:30.
It was something along those lines and speaking as a guy who normally gets home from work and has a cup of joe to keep going I can definitely relate.
Monday, December 3, 2007
Zombie Apocalypse...Are You Ready?

I usually buy my calendars about 1 week into the New Year when they're 50% off. Guess they had me figured out this year by offering a calendar I couldn't wait for. I bought the desk version and I can't wait to see how the year turns out.
I just hope the dead don't start walking till 2009 when I'll be fully prepared.
Remember, it's not if you survive, it's how long you survive.