Just a quick reminder that Doctor Horribles Sing Along Blog part 2 is up for your viewing pleasure. You can still catch part 1, but remember it all comes down on the 20th. Part 3 is up on Saturday the 19th.
Watch it, learn the songs, there will be a quiz later.
...and these are not the hammer.
it's gonna be legen- wait for it...
I saw this "dark Nights" film whic apparently is about a guy who sounds like Froggy from OUR GANG...
Christopher Nolan has fashioned a compelling NeoNoir crime thriller as the second installment of his BATMAN series. Our emotional investment isn't all with Batman. It's with Harvey Dent throughout most of the film and moreso with Commisioner Gordon (the best aacted character and touchingly realistic) and Most of all it's with the Joker. Not just a villian but a genuinely sympathetic character who happens to be an evil psychopath.
There are many more great layers to this film and it's epic story (also from Nolan) but they are to numerous to go into.
It's as if the film was based to not just be packed with action but with Moral dilemas and their aftermaths.
Four stars.
I LOVED Dr. Horrible. I watched all three episodes and am waiting to own the DVD and see all the cool extra's that Josh and crew have put on it. Yay! I loved it!!
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