Wednesday, May 28, 2008
All Your Pork and Beans Are Belong To Us!!
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
The Dead Just Keep On Coming
In even more zombie news. The Hollywood Reporter announced that George Romeros original zombie opus Dawn of the Dead is going 3D! I really don't need another reason to see this film in the theaters but here it is. My mind is already racing at what a 3D treatment will do for certain scenes, chopper zombie anyone, and the true horror here is that we'll have to wait a year to find out. Let's hope they push this up and we see a Halloween release.
For the full story and an explanation of the 3D Dimensionalization process go here.
Summertimes Blues
Fortunately, there are so many movies I want to catch up on that I shouldn't be hurting too much.
As most of you know, DVD's come out on Tuesday. Yesterday saw the release of a couple of things I'm excited for, and one I'm slightly curious about.

Here is my review.
The disc is packed with extras so I'm excited for that as well and will probably watch at least once with the commentary on. There are also featurettes, Romero talking about his inspiration and many others. I know I should wait for the eventual Bluray release, but I'm all about the instant gratification.

You know, maybe the summers not looking so bad after all.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
It's The Rhythm Of The Feeling...
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Generals Sip Bacardi, While The Privates Feel The Pain..

Not only do I not have the energy required to be a political pundit, but I feel my politics are my own. I don't consider myself a Liberal, Democrat, or Republican. I've had a somewhat eclectic life and I no longer believe in black or white. Some of my views, those that would be very unpopular among my peers, are very conservative, while others are strongly liberal.
That said, I wanted to keep politics out of this blog, but when I hear, during my drive to work, on the radio that our Commander in Chief made a statement that he has given up golf since 2003 out of respect for the families of soldiers killed in the Iraq conflict.......I feel dirty, literally, and a bit ashamed that this is the image we are projecting to other countries.
I mean, c' Are we 12, making a deal with mom that if we can go to the sleepover we won't play video games for a week? It's effin' GOLF!! It's not like the guy is Tiger Woods who's living depends on the game!
I can't even equate this non-sacrifice with anything in my personal life since I don't believe I've hurt anybody quite so much to make such a sacrifice for. If I did, here's what I'm gonna do. I'm giving up softcore porn for a month. Yep, that's right, no softcore skinimax action for this noble soul. Hardcore stuff is still ok though, I'm making a sacrifice not taking a bullet.
So there you go. Sacrifices have been made. True, I'm not giving up taking a walk and hitting a ball into little holes for the families of some 4000 young men and women, not to mention the countless others coming back maimed or mentally unstable and their loved ones, but it's a start.
Do not get me wrong. I love the United States, and while everyone I know wants to visit other countries and cultures on their vacations, I feel I haven't seen enough of my own country yet. We're diverse. It's not all strip malls and 7-11's, and I'd like to experience it. Only thing is, today, I'm a little ashamed to admit it.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Reach Out,... But No Touching!
If it doesn't work, let me know.
Of course, I'd prefer comments on what I post to be kept on these pages.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Crazy Like A Fox....

Joss Whedon and Eliza Dushku's Dollhouse is slated for a mid season replacement. Are you getting Firefly flashback chills yet? Fox has a habit of canceling mid-season shows before giving them a chance. Why do any scripted genre dramas even get shown to Fox? Let them stick to bad reality shows and legacy comedies. Heck, you have a better chance of keeping a show going on the family channel.
On brighter news. It looks like the CW may renew Reaper. We'll know tomorrow when they announce their lineup.
While on the subject of Reaper. I really enjoy this show. Yeah, it's having some growing pains, but oddly enough most of the criticism seems to be that the show isn't going anywhere. Not only do I disagree, but that aside, when did we start needing every show on tv to have a long story arc?
The shows I grew up on didn't have season long stories. The A-Team fought a different guy every week, so did Wonder Woman. The Six Million Dollar Man, Knight Rider etc. all had similar bad guy of the week formulas. Star Trek just boldly went...wherever. Different alien of the week, different situation. Only the faces were the same. Yes there was character development but this happened within the confines of single episodes, and shows rarely referenced what had gone before. it also made shows easier to jump into and enjoy.

Reapers building a little mythology behind it, but for gods-sake it's not Lost. I don't need an answer every week as long as the journey is enjoyable.
Maybe audiences and networks need to remember that this is entertainment.
Friday, May 9, 2008
Emotions..? Must Be The Womans Times.....

Cooter: Hey, we have a meeting with the Appropriations Committee like, now.
Jack: Oh no, I’m not prepared.
Cooter: I know, I’m not drunk either. But we’ll manage.
What better way to exemplify all politics than through Cooters insistence that a leak in the ceiling does not exist as water streams down onto a desktop:
Jack: The ceiling appears to be leaking.
Cooter: No it’s not. We looked into it and it’s not.
Come to think of it, maybe the leak is symbolic of another lady bit function white male conservative America is reluctant to believe in. That's right female orgasm, I'm talking 'bout you.
Frank: Sorry about the wizard, Tracy. I’ll call the Korean animators.
Apparently, the game is so good Frank locks himself away for three months playing it.
It's A Dirty Job.....

So why this game and not the newest offering from Hannah Montana or some other kiddie fare?
Well, in my never ending battle to find unintentional porn and double entendres. The title of this game called out to me as the perfect title for a chubby chaser porno film. I even put a disclaimer on the box "not a redneck porno!" (regardless of the giant chicken, what's up with that? Mayhaps the Burger King is a furry.) so as not to get his hopes up.
Hey, if Noah can see skulls everywhere, why can't I find accidental porn. He just better hope I don't start a blog about it. Actually, I've probably just given him the idea for next years project.
Here's lookin' forward to Big Bumpin 2...with Ron Jeremy as the Burger King........
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Web Of My Dreams...
Skull A Day, now in it's final month needs to be seen to be believed. Noah is creating a skull image every day for a year and his dedication to this project has been nothing short of superhuman and it shows. I often hear about the sleepless nights of obsessing over what to do next, and he never dissapoints. If you haven't checked out his site lately, please catch up. If you haven't been there at all, what are you waiting for?
Skull A Day images will be released in book form this October, buy a bunch and give them out instead of candy this Halloween.
Guess I know what I'm getting from him for my birthday.
Friday, May 2, 2008
A Day In The Unlife...

What can I tell you about Steve Miners Day of the Dead, the most grossly ill-named film this year? Actually calling this film Day of the Dead is like calling Friday The 13th Wet Hot American Summer. If you’re getting the idea that this film has nothing to do with the George Romero 1985 classic you would be dead on and you should have done better on the SAT’s. It’s a shame really, cause the film had a lot going for it. The budget was definitely higher than you normally see on these types of films. Mena Suvari and Ving Rhames give the film a semblance of credibility. Even Steve Miners name, while mostly associated with television has a certain pedigree with a couple of Friday the 13th flicks, Warlock and Halloween H20 under his belt. In fact, Day of the Dead would have been a much better movie under a different title and if they avoided making insignificant nods to the original by keeping the names and some settings intact. The potential was there, and as I said, it had a lot going for it and some parts were wholly entertaining.
Starting with the title. Let’s forget for the moment that there is already a film called Day of the Dead, heck, let’s forget there’s a Mexican holiday called Day of the Dead. Assuming these four words were never put together in a sentence in our current history, why does the bulk of this film take place at night? Now I know Dawn of the Dead did not take place at dawn though a key scene establishing the deads dominance does. Plus the title makes sense in building upon a franchise. For that matter the original Day of the Dead was primarily underground, but all the external shots were day shots, and besides Subterranean Silo of the Dead doesn’t have the same ring. A better title for this film would be Night of the Infected, or something along those lines.
For the record, I now believe every Suvari film should have at least one view of her rear. Get that in the contract!
Nick Cannon, the current Mr. Carey? Well mom always said if you have nothing nice to say. He bugged the hell out of me and every scene he opened his mouth in dragged painfully. Dude, I loved Drumline….what happened?
Actually the standout for me was Stark Sands as Bud. Why they would change Bub to Bud is beyond me, but his lovesick tame zombie was great. He was both menacing and likeable just as Sherman Howards Bub was in the original with a bit of Billy Connolly as Fido thrown in.
Everyone else in the film did an ok job, but like Suvari, just didn’t have a lot to go on. AnnaLynn McCord as Nina stands out among the supporting cast, and I may have bought her in Suvaris role as she seemed tougher and older at times. Fan favorite Christa Campbell also makes an appearance.
Day of the Dead breaks a lot of rules. The “zombies” are closer to the rage affected of the 28 Days film. Once infected, they quickly get sick and, I assume, die. Faster than you can say flesh eating bacteria, their skin starts splitting, lesions form and tad ah! Instant Zombification.Along with the new undead appetite comes some super agility. Zombies jump from windows, leap 12 feet onto victims and somehow gain the ability to crawl across ceiling grids that would never support their weight. For awhile there I thought I was watching Marvel Zombies. Yet for all this newfound great power, they were not capable of pulling a 110 lb girl from an air duct by her feet when she was within arms reach, nor could they catch her if she got a 10 foot headstart.
Any zombie picture will stick to at least one, in my opinion, unbreakable rule. When a character gets attacked, they must without exception, show up as a zombie later in the film. Romero established this in Night by bringing Johnny back, and it’s a damn good rule. Main characters in this film are bitten or whisked away never to be seen again. C’mon, not even the main “villain” Dr. Logan shows up for our heroes to take down. That’s just unforgiveable.
Don’t insult the fans intelligence. We love Troma films. It doesn’t take a lot to make us happy, but simply reusing character names from another film doesn’t make it a remake or a reimagining.
Zack Snyder understood this with his reimagining of Dawn of the Dead and not only did he give Dawns (original) four male leads, I’m counting Tom Savini, cameos, He also cleverly named one of the malls shops after the female lead Gaylen Ross. Fan appreciation does not go unnoticed, neither does insults.
While I’m being insulted, guess why Bud (Bub) the horny docile zombie won’t kill. Take a minute, think about it……don’t know? He’s a frikkin’ vegetarian. I kid you not. That would make the safest place in the
Don’t even ask me about the promo art. I don’t get it. A zombie puking? It’s not gross or scary.
Bottom line. If you love zombie flicks and want slightly higher than average production values Day of the Dead may be for you. You’d better leave your preconceptions at the door though cause it has absolutely nothing to do with the original.
If you’re an easily riled purist, you may want to avoid this film all together. Oddly, if you’re not a zombie fan but love B movies than you may really enjoy it as well since it’s closer to a cheesy action film. At least it didn’t put me to sleep.
Of course that could be attributed to Mena Suvaris butt………